This year has been a great last year, I have had lots of highlights and very few lowlights. I've learnt a lot and have made new friends. It's been really fun and I'll miss this year.
My highlights would definitely camp, making our sustainability movies, drama academy and speeches.
Camp was a really good memory because I tried a lot of things I wouldn't of tried a couple of years ago. I did abseiling (the small one) and water rafting. I jumped of a cliff into water and went swimming in freezing water and stayed in for a while.
Making the sustainability movies was great because I got to work with my friends and create a movie for something I'm passionate about. It helped with team building skills and I learnt how to edit on imovie.
Drama academy has been really fun and I've had loads of fun being dudes in plays and making fun of my Dad. Its given a lot of tips for acting and I had lots of fun in performing plays as embarrassing as they were.
Speeches has been really nerve racking and fun at the same time. I enjoy sharing my thoughts in speeches. Both years I have written about serious topics I'm passionate about. Both years I have gotten into finals and I'm hoping I might win this year. Even if I don't win its been a great experience anyway.
I have had hardly any lowlights. My only lowlights would be Homework and all the times I've been injured like the rope burn on camp, getting hit in dodge ball, kicked in soccer and feeling sick for half of the last term.
Its been a great end of my intermediate years and I'll miss everyone.
ToodleLoo Intermidgets! I'll miss you all.